Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I admit, I was wrong.

In yesterday's post I said that the Conservatives were about to take their campaign into deep freeze until election day. I specifically said:
 "No one will say anything. Candidates have been told to avoid all candidates meetings. Everyone has been told to avoid cameras and especially microphones"
I also said to all you sheeple:
We are also suggesting that to make this lock down doubly effective that all of you with Tory lawn signs, take them down, right away. We don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about anything. And ... if you have any campaign literature, now would be a good time to destroy it as well.
That was the intention at least, but someone forgot to protect "THE BOOK". What book you ask? Well just the 500 page treasure trove for the opposition book that the Tory Party prepared full of deep and profound "contentious" quotes PM Harper has made in the past. To be fair I was partially right. No one stepped in it in front of a microphone ... they just did it in print this time! ARGH!!!!!

Time to calm down ... I am not upset. But this can not be happening again. Not for the third time in three elections. We can't screw it up again. Next thing you know the NDP will be climbing into second place in the polls, stealing away many of our easily fooled innocent sheeple. NOOOOOOOO!

But don't worry my sheeple, there is really a ton of stuff not much in the BOOK that you need to worry about. Most of these quotes were made before PM Harper became PM and then learned how not to say stupidly honest controversial things.

Okay so when talking about health care he did say:
"the best system means having a system where you have as many tiers as possible and you bring in as many health-care dollars into this country as possible"
"the private provision of publicly insured services should be permitted. The monopoly of provision of services is not a value that, in and of itself, is worth preserving.”
but I am sure he was really just talking about making the system better with more tax cuts and more kinds of doctors with more offices and more floors in the hospitals. He wasn't really talking about private medical care like in the US. And even if he was, you can be sure that to compensate you for any extra inconvenience or costs you would receive a very special targeted tax cut or credit just for you and your family, just like happens for other things you buy now like bus passes and hockey lessons.

So don't worry my sheeple. I'm sure that is the end of it. We can go back to sleep mode until May 2.Turn off your TV. Don't listen to the radio. Don't answer the door. And for heaven's sake don't listen to the latest polls lest they shake your confidence.

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